Web Components Unwrapped: Building Better Web Experiences


3 min read

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, the quest for better tools and technologies to build modern, efficient, and maintainable web applications is unending. Enter Web Components โ€” a game-changer in the realm of front-end development.

What are Web Components?

Web Components are a set of web platform APIs that allow you to create reusable custom elements with their functionality encapsulated away from the rest of your code. They consist of four main specifications

  1. Custom Elements

    Custom Elements provide a way for developers to define their own custom HTML elements. This means you can create your own tags and define their behavior using JavaScript.

  2. Shadow DOM

    Shadow DOM allows you to encapsulate the styling and behavior of a custom element. It provides a way to create a scoped subtree of DOM elements with its own encapsulated styles and scripts.

  3. HTML Templates

    HTML Templates provide a mechanism for declaring fragments of HTML that can be cloned and inserted into the document later. This allows you to define reusable chunks of markup that can be used within your custom elements.

  4. ES Modules

    ES Modules provide a way to package up and import reusable components into your application. ES Modules have become the preferred method for importing and exporting JavaScript modules in modern web development.

Why do we need Web Components?

As the frontend development progressed, we came up with multiple frameworks & libraries to solve the problems that occurred on the way. But there were several longstanding challenges in web development.

  1. Standardization and Reusability

    Before Web Components, there was a lack of standardization in web development. Developers often relied on various frameworks and libraries, each with its own set of components. This lack of standardization made it difficult to share and reuse components across different projects and ecosystems. Web Components were introduced to provide a native solution for creating reusable components that work across different frameworks and environments.

  2. Isolation and Encapsulation

    Traditional web development often suffered from issues related to encapsulation and isolation. CSS styles and JavaScript code could easily bleed into other parts of the application, leading to unintended side effects and conflicts. Web Components address this problem by encapsulating HTML, CSS, and JavaScript within a single, self-contained unit. This encapsulation ensures that components can be used safely without affecting other parts of the application.

  3. Interoperability

    Another challenge in web development was the lack of interoperability between different frameworks and libraries. Components built for one framework often couldn't be easily integrated into projects using a different framework. Web Components aim to solve this problem by providing a standardized way to define and use components that can work seamlessly across different environments.

  4. Browser Compatibility

    In the past, developers had to rely on polyfills and complex build processes to ensure compatibility with older browsers. Web Components leverage native browser APIs, reducing the need for polyfills and improving performance. This native support ensures that components work consistently across modern browsers without additional overhead.

Where can i learn more about Web Components?

There are many resources available online to learn about Web Components.
I would personally recommend a few,

Web Components Org

MDN Web Components Doc

How can i develop Web Components?

Although there are several frameworks available, i personally would recommend using
Lit Web Components. It helps you develop web components in simple, fast & easy to understand manner & also has a tiny foot print.


I do not claim any content in the blog to be of my ownership. I have simply gathered the content available online & put that together for better & structured understanding of Web Components.

Hope this blog helped you to understand the fundamentals & give you a good starting point to learn more about Web Components ๐Ÿ˜„
